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Nextflow Workflow

If you have access to a Linux or Mac-OS machine you can use nextflow to run the processing steps automatically. We will demonstrate this on the raw_data/BBBC02 dataset.

Build Config

The first step is to build the config file. To this end you must run the following command:

WD=runs/BBBC02 pixi run build_config

You will be asked a series of questions. Select the following answers:

  • Select the raw_data dir: /path/to/example-project/raw_data/BBBC002_v1_images/drosophila_kc167_1_images/
  • Enter the suffix of the files to process: .TIF
  • Select the output dir: /path/to/example-project/processed_data

Run Workflow

The next step is to run the nextflow workflow. To this end you must run the following command:

WD=runs/BBBC02 pixi run nextflow

The workflow will execute s01_segment followed by s02_measure and write the outputs to processed_data/drosophila_kc167_1_images/s01_segment and processed_data/drosophila_kc167_1_images/s02_measurements respectively.

Nextflow Execution

The nextflow workflow is executed in the WD directory and nextflow will create a .nextflow and work directory, which are used by nextflow to manage the workflow execution. A detailed nextflow log file is written to runs/BBBC02/.nextflow.log.

Visualize Results

The final step is to visualize the results. To this end you must run the following command:

WD=runs/BBBC02 pixi run visualize

In the jupyter notebook that opens you can select the experiment and image to visualize. The notebook will display the original image, the segmented nuclei, and the extracted measurements in napari.

Result Visualization
A jupyter notebook with IPython Widgets to select experiment and image, which are then displayed in napari.